Tech Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–Hour Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • We offer a 60 min response guarantee for any trouble ticket or e–mail that you submit to the tech support team. We will rapidly reply to all the typical queries and forward the case to our sysadmins in case additional assistance is needed. If you order our Managed Services package, we’ll carry out any of the included server administration tasks at a time that has been discussed with you preliminary.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Topflight Tech Support Service

  • We’ll be available to you 24x7x365 to reply to any inquiries that you may have about our Website Control Panel or any of the applications that we have installed on your behalf on the dedicated server. If you also require assistance handling server admin tasks, you can make use of our Managed Services package, which includes data backup hard drive storage space, Operating System updates on a weekly basis, server monitoring and rebooting procedures, as well as installation and troubleshooting procedures

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • We have provided the Website Control Panel with a comprehensive knowledge base, which offers extensive explanations of its features and functionalities. Plus, we have prepared detailed video tutorials that will further teach you how to perform a specific operation or resolve a commonly encountered problem. The educational articles and the video tutorials are easily reachable from each Website Control Panel section via the Help and Videos buttons located in the top right corner.